Monday, April 18, 2016

Prioritize Travel - Things Don't Matter

So, there I was with my glass of wine and iPad in hand, reading Hopscotch the Globe because what other way is there to enjoy an evening?  The post I happened to be reading was written by David Axelrod (who is a wonderfully talented and devilishly handsome blogger that I stalk follow).  He wrote about how in order to travel more, you have to change the way you think!

After reading that, I decided to do my own little post on how you can travel more.  Now, let me start by saying I don't travel nearly as much as David or Kirsten or any of the other beautiful people over on Hopscotch the Globe, but I do my fair share.  I often get snide comments, and I honestly attribute those comments to a bit of jealousy.  However, you don't have to be jealous.  You can travel to all of the amazing places in your dreams.  You just have to change the way you think.

This all brings me to the Top 5 Things We Do Differently.  Ready?  Ok, here we go.

#1 - Stop buying stuff you don't need!  I do not buy things I don't feel like I will use daily or at least weekly.  This has taken me years to perfect, but the bottom line is if I don't feel like I will use it at least once a week, I don't buy it.  I have held tons of garage sales to clear out things that we simply don't use often enough to allow them to take up space. 

Now, don't get all huffy and say "Well, what about winter vs summer clothes?"  Well, what about them?  Of course you will need them, but maybe not during the summer.  So, don't buy a new wardrobe just because it is Spring!  Stop it.  If you have a perfectly usable pair of shorts, put the new pair back down.  If you happened to have ruined a pair of shorts, replace them.  It's pretty simple. 

#2 - Don't look at travel the same.  I have so many friends that wonder how I get to travel as often as I do, and the answer is because I don't pick a destination first.  I find out where I can go at the absolute lowest price, and then I work from there.  I will book flights, hotels, etc based on where I can go for the lowest price. 

So often, people will tell me where they are going this summer, spring, fall, etc and I will ask what kind of deal they got on their flights.  I'm genuinely interested.  They more often than not will tell me they haven't booked their flights yet.  Stop.  Don't do that.

#3 - Reset your accommodation expectations.  Do you really want to go to Cambodia?  Then go!  Wait, stop, don't go just yet.  Do you expect to get to sleep in a 5 star resort while there?  If you do, you might find it difficult to find or afford one!  Ask yourself, are you there to sleep in a nice comfy bed, or are you there to experience the destination?

I'm not saying you have to sleep in a hut, but I'm saying not all huts are bad!
This is not an inexpensive hut! hahaha

#4 - Be realistic with yourself.  If you don't like flying, hate getting on boats, and don't enjoy long car rides, then you probably don't really like to travel.  You love the places you see in pictures, but you don't like getting there.  Getting there IS travel. 

Maybe you don't mind flying, but you refuse to fly less than First Class.  Well, this may pose a problem if the only way to get somewhere is via a 3 hour puddle jumper flight.  Be realistic.  If you will hate getting there, it will mess up your experience. 

#5 - Stop being afraid.  There are plenty of things to be afraid of in the world.  War in Africa.  Disease in South America.  Tourists being kidnapped in Mexico and Central America.  Natives hating foreigners in the United States of America.  The fact is, there is something to keep you from going everywhere.  However, there are so many more reasons for you to go there!

I hope that you will look at travel in a different way.  Let me know below what your hesitations are.  What do you struggle with?

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