Tuesday, April 12, 2016

When I grow up, I want to be Anthony Bourdain

I told my entire Facebook following that I want to be Anthony Bourdain when I grow up.  I got a couple "haha" and "lol" comments, but ultimately, I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was kidding.  I mean, first of all, I'm a girl.  Secondly, I blush and giggle when the camera points at me, and most importantly, I cuss WAY more better than he does.

So, why in the world do I want to be him?  I don't.  I just want to do some of the things he gets to do!  Like, travel the world and eat!  And....  Nope, that's it.  Travel the world and eat.  I have no idea what else he does, and I don't need to know.  I just want to eat amazing food and travel to amazing places.  Not too much to ask right?

Ok, so in order to do this, I have to get some things straight.  Let's see.  I must enjoy food!  CHECK!  I must be able to talk about the food I am eating.  Ok, I think I can do this.  I must be able to travel around to different countries.  So, passport and pass a criminal background check.  I'm doing pretty good so far!  I have to be cute enough to put on camera.  Well, I have a pretty stellar face, but I need to do some cardio to handle some of this rear end I was blessed with.  This is doable! 

I should try to apply for his job!  Or, I can continue with this excellent little blog I enjoy writing and reading so much.  Work on my video editing skills because I suck am moderately good with that. 

What if I just get a green screen, put it behind my bathtub and pretend to be in different places every night when I take a shower?!  I'll let you know how that turns out for me... 

In the meantime, feel free to check out our first video and tell us what you think.

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